Friday, March 8, 2013


Because our computer doubles as our TV, that means our desk doubles as our entertainment center. And with the layout of our new apartment, we found it was a difficult task to find the perfect desk for the space.

Our solution? Build our own!

Here it is:

Evan worked SO hard on it, spending several weekends in his brothers shop, and staying up late each night so he could surprise me with it's completion when I came home from Utah. What a sweetie head!

I pretty much LOVE it! Evan designed it to fit all our stuff perfectly. The keyboard tray pulls out on rollers, as well as the tray for our scanner on the left. Fancy Schmancy right? But even more impressive, is the fact that he also built the computer! Wigga whaaa?

Not to brag or anything, but my husband is the coolest.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

37 Weeks

Welp... we made it! Full term :) I'm feeling great, with no sign of delivering this baby any time soon.

I still have a million things to do before she comes, and I'm glad for it, because it keeps me from sitting around, twiddling my thumbs and counting down the hours. We haven't even started on her nursery yet! These last three weeks are going to fly by!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Ayla at 35 weeks

We got some fun pictures of Ayla at our 35 week ultrasound! Still sportin' the big nose. But we think she's pretty dang cute.