Wednesday, July 27, 2011

21. Time to Party!

July 22 was my birthday!

This is me... decorating my own cake. That nobody else ate. (apparently my husband and in-laws are not "cake people")

 But Evan made the cake anyway, AND he bought me new Adobe Design software! 

...  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)  ...

Evan had some super-duper fun plans for us but unfortunately they were all dashed due to:
1. The massive heat wave (100+ degrees)and
2. MORE car troubles. The third trouble, to be exact. In three months of marriage. $2,000 worth of troubles.


So the plans were ruined. However, we did get out and wander around Home and Appliance stores, testing the Tempur-Pedic beds and dreaming about some day, maybe, being able to afford one.

ALSO. Let's not forget that 22 is my lucky number. AND I just started my 22nd year of life :) :) :) So... I expect that this year will be a pretty spectacular one.

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