Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Birthday Shower

For Evan's birthday I "showered" him with compliments, quite literally.

And his favorite candy, of course.

Click here to view my source of inspiration and to find many more fun and creative ideas.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It's was SO FUN to see Ayla in the ultrasound yesterday. She was folded in half like a taco, and she kept squirming around and waving her little hand. It filled me with all sorts of motherly love. I already think she has my lips and Evan's nose. Haha. She will be a beauty. We can't wait for March!

Monday, November 5, 2012

I [heart] U print

Once upon a time, I designed this baby nursery print. 
...And then I forgot about it. 
...And then, today I rediscovered it!

It was perfect timing because I'm obsessing about babies today. Not only is today the day that we learn the gender of our baby. It's also my brothers birthday, and guess what he's getting as a gift? TWO baby boys! His wife's water broke this morning.

Best day ever.

If any of you would like this file for print, just leave a comment :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

SF: Part One

So hey guess what? I went to San Francisco!

I went at the end of September with one of the travel study classes. Art students are actually required to take this one-credit course, which forces us to take 5-days out of school so we can travel some place awesome, walk through beautiful museums and eat delicious food.... Yeah. BASICALLY the best idea the school ever had.

We did and saw SOOOooo much, but I only caught a few things on camera. Basically, my plan to be a cool photographer chick (shooting everything manually) backfired. Auughh. Curse my pride! When I came home I discovered that most of my pictures were blurry and/or exposed wrong. whoops. :( But don't you worry, I fully plan to upload each and every decent picture I have.

Starting with... Part One: Museums

[Don't forget to check out Part 2 & Part 3]

SF: Part 2

Part Two: Japanese Tea Gardens

SF: Part 3

And... Part 3: The Beach

I forgot to mention (but now you've seen) how the ENTIRE time we were in San Francisco, a dark foggy cloud covered the city. We never even got to see the Golden Gate Bridge, other than the 5 feet in front of us as we drove across it. I'm not complaining though. The fog was pretty mystical and awesome. Once we got across the bridge, the skies were clear and blue (go figure). We made sure to stop by Muir woods and Stinson Beach on our way out.

3 days in San Francisco was NOT ENOUGH! I can't wait to go back with Evan in the hopefully near future.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

March 28!

So I guess when I wrote THIS POST...

...I lied.

I was, in fact, pregnant (though I didn't know it at the time).

We are beyond thrilled to be having a baby! I am at 14 weeks, and our baby is about 3 1/2 inches long. We just had our first real OB appointment last week and got a few pictures from the ultrasound :) Notice the typo: "Heather BeLong" Bahahaha!

(Jenny said she had a hard time knowing what was what, so I have added extra labels for your viewing pleasure).

And my favorite...

Wigga Wha?!! (Kinda Creepy)

HAhahaha, I'm so funny (I think) ;)

Okay, but seriously, how can you go wrong with this combo?

Our baby is gonna be awesome.

As far as pregnancy goes... I have had it pretty easy. I was one of the lucky ones who got through the first trimester without any morning sickness. In fact, before I had an ultrasound, I was having a hard time believing I was actually pregnant, because through these first 14 weeks, I have felt so normal. Hallelujah! If all my pregnancies are like this, I might just have to have a million babies.

Sometimes I feel like March 28th can't come soon enough! I want to hold my little baby in my arms! But most the time I think I'd better just enjoy the easy, quiet, go-and-do-as-I-please lifestyle while I still can.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oh yeah, and...

...we're havin' a baby :) Due March 28.

Goodbye Summer

We took advantage of what may have been the last warm day of the season by spending the day at "Bubble Land." We brought our good friends April and Matt with us. The water was freezing, so we spent most of the afternoon floating around on the Jackson's giant inner tube. I'll admit, I was the biggest wimp, and the only one that refused to jump in. But the rest of the crew was quite brave! We had an awesome time! Goodbye Summer. We will miss you.



[Evan is helping me cross the river, but it looks like we are dancing. Love it!]

[And a panorama for my photography class ]