Monday, April 23, 2012

Viva Las Vegas!

Evan found an internship, and guess where it is...

Yep that's right. We're heading to sin city and things have been changing pretty quickly around here.

Thursday: Evan got the offer to work for SouthWest Gas in Las Vegas, NV.

Friday: We accepted the internship and sold our apartment contract.

Saturday: We sold our furniture, cleaned out our apartment and hit the road!

Saturday-Sunday-Monday: We spent the weekend with my super cool family in Northern Utah.

Monday: We drove to St. George, UT where we spent the night with my sisters in-laws.

Tuesday: We drove to North Las Vegas and started shopping for apartments. 

Tuesday @ 3:00: We signed a lease and started moving in!

We are excited! Our complex has a super nice pool and fitness center! Observe:

Our apartment complex is new, and it's in a great location. South of us is EVERYTHING, and North of us is NOTHING. I prefer the nothingness to the everything-ness, but having the option is good. And it's a huge bonus that we're right by the highway that takes Evan straight to work in less than ten minutes!

In other news... 

Yesterday was our anniversary! One year of bliss! ;) We ate at Olive Garden on Saturday night to celebrate :)

Evan officially started work today. He works 7-3:30, Monday thru Friday. Which is pretty much the perfect schedule. I can't complain about that!

Wish us luck!

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