Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dear Jenny...

...Sorry you didn't make it to Paris...

I did!

Oh, and Rome too!

For those of you who don't know... my sister, Jenny, is living in France right now, working as a nanny. My mom, grandma, aunt and cousin all took a trip to France a couple weeks ago to visit her. When I saw her blog, showcasing pictures of all the beautiful, charming places they visited, I may have been a bit jealous. And that may be an understatement, especially because I'm spending my summer in the ugliest and least-charming of all places. Lucky for me, my parents came to visit this week for a business trip and my mom and I spent a day shopping at the outlets and touring "Paris" and Caesars Palace. Next best thing, right? Ha...ha....I'm being sarcastic, but I really did have a lovely time. My parents treated Evan and I to a delicious buffet at the Rio, and afterwards I had a sleepover with them at the Mirage! So even though I have never been to Europe, I still have to admit, I'm a pretty fortunate girl.

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