Monday, August 20, 2012

Never Fails

Last night The Lion King was on TV. We were a little skeptical, seeing as how the last two Disney shows we recorded turned out to be Spanish versions (fail). But after double checking to make sure it was playing on an English channel, we kicked back with a bowl of buttery popcorn and enjoyed the show.

I was a little bit surprised by the way 90% of the lines and 100% of the song lyrics came to mind before they were even spoken/sung. I guess watching it over and OVER again back in 1995 had some kind of lasting impact. Who knew then that it would be INGRAINED into my young still-developing mind forever? Still, I guess there are worse things that can become a permanent part of your brain.

Anyway, I was a little nervous watching it with Evan for the first time, and here's why:

This scene:

It is heart breaking! It never fails to get a few tears, an achy throat, and a "scrunchy eyebrows, big bottom lip" expression out of me. Luckily, I was able to bury my face into Evan's chest to hide it all. Oh man, it gets me every time. And I know it gets you too!

On another, similar note...

Evan wants to go see the new batman movie, but I have (politely) refused. I don't know why, but lately I have become a huge whimp when it comes to movies. I really don't like anything very intense, and/or dark. And I have reason to believe that Batman will fall into both of those categories. Mufassa dying is about as much as I can handle right now. I think I'll stick to Disney, but if anyone wants to take my hubby out to see batman, feel free. I'm sure he would love you forever.

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