Friday, July 6, 2012

Mr. Chapman

Evan and I are reading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I've known about the book for quite some time but have never actually read it, so I borrowed a copy from my Mom when I went home to visit.
The second chapter is titled "Keeping the Love Tank Full." And in it, Mr. Chapman explains:
"At the heart of mankind's existence is the desire to be intimate and to be loved by another. Marriage is designed to meet that need for intimacy and love." 
He then introduces the "love tank" idea, explaining that marriages that are full of withdrawal, misbehavior, harsh words and a critical spirit may simply be the result of an empty love tank, waiting to be filled. He said:
"I'm convinced that keeping the emotional love tank full is as important to a marriage as maintaining the proper oil level is to an automobile"
The rest of the book (though we haven't read it yet) supposedly centers around this idea, explaining that there are five basic love languages, and when we speak the language of our spouse, we will be able to fill their emotional love tank and improve the quality of our marriage.

Ev and I have only been married for a year (+2 months!) but I think it's safe to say we're past twitterpation. We're not strangers to some of the "hard stuff" in marriage and the whole love tank idea struck a chord with us. You might as well know now that we are suckers for this kind of thing. We have always been quite open with each other. We are not "too cool" to share our feelings. We are both sensitive and emotional, and though it may be both a blessing and a curse, I love it! And frankly, I think that is a huge part of the reason I fell in love with Evan. He is one in a million.

SO. We decided to make our own little love tanks to hang on the frig! :)

Cute, right? Or maybe just corny. Oh well, I love it. And I think Mr. Chapman would be proud ;)


  1. That's awesome! I read that book... I forgot about what the 5 languages were, though, but obviously some of it is stuck in my head because I do the same thing. I tell James when my tank is getting low. It makes sense to me to put it that way, because it's not that James is being a jerk or doing something wrong, but I just need that extra attention to fill it up. James knows to promptly bulldoze me. I like to be roughed up and tickled tortured. It makes me feel all bett'a. And I mean that exactly as I said it..i wasn't referring to something else, HAHAHA! oh boy.

  2. haha, it looks like Evans love tank is a bit empty. You better do something to fix that! :D
